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Ken Burns "The West" - Documentary Film about Indians

The film we are going to discuss is The West. It is a documentary film which is divided into 8 episodes and it is about the American Old West life. It begins from the narration about the life of that time. From the very beginning, it becomes clear that something strange happened and no one knows where he will live next time, which language people will speak and which God they will worship. No one knows what the West destiny would be. The film describes West destiny during 1806-1848 years. Despite the fact that the war for independence was over, the British still continued to wage war with the ideals in the north-west territories. In the end, the Indians were forced to recognize the independence of the United States and allowed the "white settlers" to be on their land. After 1812, many Indians were evicted to the Mississippi, and after that thousands of Americans went to the west from the river to more heavily populate the territory and prevent the Indians from living there.

Richard White told that Americans are ambitious and they need a more powerful and bigger country and he was sure they can obtain it.3 After Americans began to settle in the West, it began to change. Western society differed sharply from "traditional" (eastern) civilizations in which the interests of individuals and groups were always mediated by the state and subordinated to it. The West was created, developed, maintained, transformed, protected, conquered a place on the planet and constantly expanded and expanded it to this day not just human beings, but people of a certain type. For these people, the following ideal traits are typical: practicality, efficiency, prudence, conscientiousness in business, ability to compete, ingenuity, the ability to take risks, coldness. A good example from the film is a settler Joe Meek who has fought with his bare hands with a bear Grizzly and survived along with everyone in such difficult conditions. Americans were hard, they were killed by Indians, wild beasts and sometimes the very nature did not give them a normal life there.

If we express the psychological essence of the way of life of the "Western man", then it is based on the following principle: "work for yourself, considering all others as an environment and means of being." In the West, the "I" played and dominates the "I-we" pair, and in it "we" is the union of the strongly pronounced "I".

A highly developed sense of self-worth and a desire for personal freedom among Western-type people is usually accompanied by a sense of social individualism. At the same time, the principles of social individualism do not necessarily prevent the development of many positive moral qualities. A feature of modern Western society, existing on a postindustrial basis, is that it is more rationally organized than the previous communities. 


In the economy, these are rational (competitive) farming methods, adequate monetary circulation, which allows achieving the corresponding economic efficiency; in politics, rational law and rational bureaucracy; in the worldview sphere - rational religion and the ethics of labor; in the field of science - rational creative activity, etc.

  First, in modern society, in contrast to its predecessors, not only the rationalistic but also the adventuristic, spontaneous development tend to operate, and secondly, the "rationalism of the West", based on the priority role of the individual worker, is self-centered. 

Historically, America is closely associated with Protestantism. Religion occupied an important place in the life of Americans. Proof of this was the newspapers, where the first pages were devoted to the preaching of outstanding clergymen, religious magazines were widely published, as well as public debates on theological topics that spontaneously settled on the streets and squares. All this continued until the XIX century and went down in history as the "golden age" of preaching. On banknotes and coins, it was not difficult to find the inscription: "We believe in God". Despite the fact that the first of them are derived from the Calvinistic course, they came to the conclusion that the doctrine of the appointment is contrary to individual success and faith. At the beginning of the film, it is told that the Americans forcibly ousted the Indians from the lands under the iguana of the church, which justified it, because, from the very beginning of the existence of the United States of America, the nation has the conviction that God has always supported them.

In the 19th century immigrants were expected not only by the enthusiastic future of the new world, but also by serious difficulties. The simultaneous development of the industrial north and the slave-holding south irreversibly led to clashes of social systems. The uneven development of industry led to economic crises. Changes include the active development of farming and the intensive development of the industry. The industrial revolution, which developed mainly in the 1920s and 1940s, spanned several decades. The reasons that hampered its development were, on the one hand, the economic dependence of the USA on England and on the other, the process of capitalist development "in breadth": the colonization of the West was accompanied by a temporary return to manual equipment (farmers and handicraftsmen carried with them the usual manual spinning wheel and hand loom).  A significant share in the economy was maintained by the craft and manufactory. However, the industrial revolution developed irreversibly, encompassing all new branches

of production. Machine building grew. The header and the sewing machine were invented and introduced into mass production. Colt introduced the standardization of parts in the production of revolvers.8

The end of the 18 - first half of the 19 century was the time of rapid territorial expansion of the United States. The direction of expansion determined the internal political balance of forces: the bourgeoisie and the farmers sought to seize the western lands and Canada, the eyes of the planters were turned to the south and southwest. There was a rapid expansion of the US territory. In 1846, the United States obtained recognition from England of its claims to the territory of Oregon. First of all, farmers and they were interested in its accession. In the middle of the 19 century. The United States reached the Pacific all the way from Canada to Mexico. Since 1776, the US area has increased in 8 times. The colonization of the occupied territories was accompanied by the ousting and mass extermination of the indigenous population of the country - the Indians. In 1850, the US concluded an agreement with Britain to control the future channel through the territory of Central America.9

Watching the film and the facts set forth in the essay with confidence indicate that the United States is truly a great country, a country for which the freedom and sovereignty of the territory are above all. For the sake of their country and their own good, the Americans are ready to defend their interests and defend their territory as aggressively and faithfully as they did in 1806-1848.


Assignment: Essay Subject: Movies Pages: 1
Deadline School College Bachelor Master PhD Specialized
24 hours 10 10.4 10.9 11.8 15 20
30 hours 9.8 10.19 10.68 11.56 14.7 19.6
36 hours 9.6 9.98 10.46 11.33 14.4 19.2
40 hours 9.4 9.78 10.25 11.09 14.1 18.8
2 days 9 9.36 9.81 10.62 13.5 18
3 days 8 8.32 8.72 9.44 12 16
4 days 7 7.28 7.63 8.26 10.5 14
5 days 6.4 6.66 6.98 7.55 9.6 12.8
6 days 6 6.24 6.54 7.08 9 12
7 days 5.8 6.03 6.32 6.84 8.7 11.6