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Contemporary Theology Topics by Paul Enns - Emerging Church

When analyzing contemporary theology topics touched upon by Paul Enns, one can assume that it is the issue of the emerging church that is also referred to as the emergent church.  Indeed, it can be regarded as one of the most relevant aspects related to the contemporary church. The reason for this is worth thinking about. As a matter of fact, it lies in that the emerging church tends to challenge the traditional understanding of a religious institution. Before proceeding to the discussion of the relevance of this topic, it is of particular importance to note that according to Enns, there is a minor difference between the concept of the emerging church and that of the emergent one. Generally speaking, it lies in that as a more general and conservative structure, the former tends to determine the primary goal of the movement. Its aim is to find a way to connect with people and their postmodern culture by means of “the gospel of Jesus Christ”.  The emergent church, in turn, constitutes a more specific and radical structure. Despite the fact that they represent two separate systems, these terms are often used interchangeably without an apparent difference in meaning.

In either way, the main concept of the emerging (or emergent) church is that it refuses to accept the conventional church setting and instead it concentrates on experimental and spiritual experiences one can have during the so-called worship gatherings.  In contrast to the traditional church where the sermons held in illuminated halls have the central place, the emergent or emerging church looks forward to the darkness which it considers a source of spirituality.  As Enns points out in his book, it gives preference to a holistic approach to connecting to people, thus placing emphasis on its missional calling.  The leaders of this movement also refuse to make use of the thirst for ambiguity characteristic of the traditional church. They, therefore, favor subjectivity while sidelining dogmatism.  In that way, it becomes evident that the relevance of the emerging or emergent church is attributable to the fact that it recognizes the need to reconsider the ways in which the conventional religious institutions connect with modern people and new attitudes that continue to evolve. 


From this, it follows that the emerging church can also be perceived as one of the next “major” issues that the leaders of the contemporary church would soon need to take into consideration. The point is that the emerging church places emphasis on the topical matters and has some more or less concrete aspirations, which makes one arrive at a conclusion that the emerging church is in a position of advantage. Moreover, it has a great chance to turn into a specific culture. As Enns stresses, the emerging church is determined to get through to, engage, and have an impact on postmodern culture.  

In addition to that, Enns highlights that the emerging church should be regarded as one of the outcomes of postmodernism.  When taking into account the fact that postmodernism itself gives prominence to the relationship between people and the world around them, “shared tradition, integrity, and discussion”, one can suggest that the emerging church emphasizes these aspects as well.   The application of such an approach can, indeed, make one assume that the emerging church has more benefits than the traditional one, which is due to that it seeks to get closer to people, their needs as well as aspirations. The issue is, however, that in trying to incorporate the cultural elements, the emerging church has a tendency to lose the connection with the historical tenets of the religion.  Some may consider this tactic a shift from the main principles of theology, which may be dangerous. So, the contemporary church would need to devote greater attention to the phenomenon of the emerging church and to its development course.


Assignment: Essay Subject: Religion and Theology Pages: 1
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